Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Finally got my ORD planner settled today, for those who haven't had a chance to become stupid by wearing a combat helmet, ORD planner is just a calender where u plan all your off and leave so that the management knows for how long you won't be around.

There was the hair cut saga today with the 2nd biggest man in the unit(the one whom we can't salute cos he's not commissioned). He refused to sign Donn's clearance form cos his hair was not short enough. Being the man in charge of the regimentation in the unit he said that he can't have a person leaving his unit with such long hair. He signed mine though thanks to the jarhead haircut I got a few weeks back. Everyone at the smoking point, where this incident happened was shocked to the core. Donn is a Batch 43 guy like myself is the last of the disruptees from TAB to come back into band b and he has just 7days to ORD. Some 15 minutes later, the big man walks back and calls Donn aside and signs his clearance. So what caused the change? The ORD corporals are still discussing about the factors which might have caused this sudden change in his state of mind. Perhaps, tomorrow I'll put up the 10 most probable factors which might have caused this change.

Was on afternoon off today and spent the day sending out resumes and catching up on some sleep. I was supposed to go out for dinner but because of some family stuff she couldn't make it.

I am contemplating buying a mac book and would like some feedback from mac users. I hardly play games and I'm buying it for my studies and would only require office for it. Anyway, with the Intel core windows can be installed so I would do that. Leave me your feedback on the comments.

Donn was telling me about this Indian thriller video on youtube...quite funny....its in Telugu....


Shree said...

the video is so funny it is like remix u noe

Shree said...

the video is so funny it is like remix u noe