Sunday, July 8, 2007


Its another Sunday, a day before the whole cycle of going back to camp starts. Just got back from the market....saw this 'cool' dude who found Tekka market too bright and so he had to wear shades to protect his eyes.

At least I don't have to go back to camp today. Last Sunday was SAF Day, an entire day spent waiting at SAFTI-MI. The parade started at 1700hrs but we had to report at 0800hrs, went to SAFTI for one rehearsal which the parade RSM said was going to be a "truncated full round" (anyone can make sense of this? wear your beret and then think you might figure it out). Me being the ORD Corporal just collected ration on behalf of a Sergent who was too busy attending to other more 'important' matters.

Next Sunday, we've got to perform at the Turf Club. We get paid $40 per performance (high by NSF standards) and typically would do two performance. Our holding area is beside the punters, where you see low income Singaporeans blow their money away on a testosterone raged horse while smoking their lungs away. However, on the other side is the owners stand. This is where the stable owners are seated while their horses are racing and of cos where there are men with money there are hot babes. Babes in their little sundresses and hats, you wonder if such beautiful women do really exist in the world. Anyway, I might not have to play for it because Staff Tham knows very well that I am not going to come back for some dinner that they'll have to use this money. Well the policy is that the cash cannot be paid out to us but has to be used on things like food or going to Sentosa (that's what we did back in 2002 when I was in Band B).

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