Saturday, July 7, 2007

First Post

This is something that I have resisted doing for a long time...yes blogging. However, now as an NSF (again after 4 years) my mind is totally void of anything except how to earn off and how to be reserve in the next parade, so I thought I'll record these wasteful thoughts in the annals of history.
When previous disruptees said that after coming back from uni NS life seems different, I always thought its a load of crap but now I have begun to subscribe to that chain of thought. It is different especially when you find it hard to 'click' with 20 year olds. I've stopped thinking of Newton's 2nd law anymore, now its about when is the next parade and how many rehearsals there are. Luckily, there are the 4 ORD Corporals of Band B, the infamous 4 whom Staff Tham sees as a sign of trouble whenever go to him as a group. These guys are close to my age and there's Albert who's been 'lucky' enough to go through the 'great' NTU brand of education.
After quite sometime, there is a weekend without work. All I look forward to is the 31st of July, which is my last working day.

Countdown: 16 working days left

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