Monday, July 23, 2007

ORD function

Today, I had my ORD function. I was the oldest guy to ORD and staff jeanny had to emphasise "posted to the band on 18 June 2001 and ORD on the 19 August 2007". Anyway got the plaque from the CO and then had to give my ORD speech, which I wasn't planning to do.

Since I hardly know the people around, I just thanked the current management and then thanked all the people who were running the band back in 2001-2003. After university and all, I am totally convinced that the happiest years and most memorable days in my life were those 2 years I spent in Band B at TAB. Any former TAB personnel reading this would surely agree with me. It was a pity that staff ridzwan wasn't able to attend cos some supplier had come. He's the epitome of the 7th SAF core value, CARE FOR SOLDIERS. Always treated us like equals instead of pulling rank with us and he always had a way to make sure we all respected him and did any work that he wanted us to do. I still remember being scolded by him for not collecting library scores from someone, I really had the daylights blasted out of me for that. If there's something I learnt as an NSF that would be useful in my working life, it would be have to be the tact staff ridzwan has in getting people to work for him. He's so good at it that I've got to admire him for it. Its a pity that people don't get the recoginition they deserve just cos they dun want to carry balls to all the big shots.

Got an interview tomorrow evening so lets see how it goes. I'm just one day away from convocation. I just want to get through it actually, I think its my parents who are more excited not me.

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