Friday, August 3, 2007

End of Week 1

So its Friday again, not as if I'm going to work that I have to be damn glad that its Friday. Its the end of the first week of bumming at home.

Got called for an interview yesterday to be a telesales guy for some local bank. In my moment of desperation, I idea of doing something seemed better than forming the unemployed statistics. But after I agreed to the interview, I started thinking if I really want to be the guy who calls people in the middle of their busy day and bugs them? And I have to be thick skinned about getting screwed by people cos its my means of making a living. The job also only required an N'level holder. If not having a job is an ego bashing what's getting f-ed on the phone by some unknown person called? I wanted something sales related and customer facing as I thought it'll be beneficial in helping me land a front office role. Both my mum and gf both questioned if I'm going to learn anything out of it and its something really worth the time? anyway i doubt telesales==sales.

So I called her and told her I'm not interested and she sounded kind of pissed but put it to me in a professional manner that i was being a pain in her ass. Then again its me who'll be stuck in some crap job.

So the job search carries on...................

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