Monday, December 31, 2007

Last post for 2007...

This shall be the last post for the year 2007. Some events that made this year a truly memorable one.
  1. I finally graduated from NTU.
  2. Got accepted into University of Sydney for my Masters.
  3. Don't owe the SAF anymore time, yes I finally ORD!
  4. Three of the SAJC Makkalz got married. That leaves just 4 singles in the pack of 7.
  5. Started working at National Australia Bank. At least there's now something on my resume besides ST Aerospace.

I'm sure there's more but I just can't recall all of them. Well moving ahead, I hope to leave all the baggage of the previous years behind and start 2008 afresh. I'm looking forward to moving to Sydney and studying but at the same time it feels to sad to leave home and all my loved ones. But this is my one chance and I'm going to seize it and make the most out of it. Considering the amount I'm investing into these 1.5 years, i hope to reap maximum Returns on Investment (ROI).

Life always comes with ups and downs, failing which something is seriously wrong. After spending 4years applying Newton's 2nd law in every probable scenario, the new course is going to bring a new set of challenges. The complexity increases with the fact of being away from home and in a different environement and system.

To end I'd like to quote from Sachin Tendulkar, “I think I have already spoken a lot. Now it is time for me to play.”

And play I will.....

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